Classification of tobacco stalk filaments based on imaging hyperspectral techniques
In this study, two types of hyperspectral cameras, visible NIR and short-wave NIR, were used to classify different varieties of tobacco and stem filaments. It is clear from the analysis of the study that the visible NIR camera is not ideal in the classification study of tobacco and stem filaments, and can only distinguish flake filaments, but the short-wave NIR camera is more ideal in the classification study of tobacco and tobacco filaments,it can also effectively resolve tobacco, stem tobacco, flake tobacco Stemmed tobacco 158, Stemmed tobacco 160, and roughly distinguished expanded tobacco. The results of the study lay the foundation for further application of imaging hyperspectral technology in the tobacco industry. -
An Excellent Tool Based on Raman Spectroscopy for Food Safety Fast Testing
为践行“舌尖中国、安全你我”,卓立汉光开发了食品安全快速检测系统来构筑群众健康食品的第一道防火墙,该系统将最新的SERS技术与潜心研制的高灵敏度拉曼光谱仪相结合, 可让“微含量、微残留、微添加”等危害民众健康的物质无法遁形。 -
An Introduction of Chip-level FT-IR Spectrometers Which Are Starting A New Era of Intelligent Applications
近红外光谱已经广泛应用于科研、工业、农业、制药以及食品安全等领域的定性及定量物质分析。然而近红外光谱仪一直以来都因为体积大、价格高等问题限制了其在消费级产品中的应用。如今随着MEMS和ASIC技术的发展,Si-Ware公司推出了世界上最小的芯片级傅里叶红外光谱仪NeoSpectra Micro。这一突破不仅将红外光谱仪的体积缩小到了指甲盖大小的级别,也将产品价格降到了消费级产品可以接受的区间。NeoSpectra Micro的创新设计也必将在智能家居、智慧农业、可穿戴设备、健康监测等领域引领革命性的发展。 -
Safety on Tip of Tongue-Food Safety Testing Solutions Based on FT-IR Spectral Techniques
近红外光谱分析技术(NIR)从20世纪80年代开始崭露头角, 90年代后期逐渐应用到农业、石油、制药和食品等多个领域。近红外光谱分析技术应用于食品领域的时间虽然不算太长,但它在鉴定食品成分和有害物质方面具有的突出优点,使得其在食品检测领域中的应用越来越广泛。 -
The Applications of Raman Spectroscopy Techniques in Handwriting Verifications