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Tunable Monochromatic Light Source

The Tunable Light Source (TLS) are pre-aligned, pre-assembled illumination systems capable of outputing monochromatic light from 200nm. This is a complete plug and play system and includes TLS-C1 Software.
TLS is composed of Zolix light source and spectrometer. It is very convenient for the users who want the flexibility of a modular design and the simplicity of an integrated system.


High stability, high repeatability, high resolution;
Low stray light;
Preserve chopper holder;
See All Features
The Tunable Light Source (TLS) are pre-aligned, pre-assembled illumination systems capable of outputing monochromatic light from 200nm. This is a complete plug and play system and includes TLS-C1 Software.
TLS is composed of Zolix light source and spectrometer. It is very convenient for the users who want the flexibility of a modular design and the simplicity of an integrated system.
■ High stability, high repeatability, high resolution;
■ Low stray light;
■ Low stray light;
TLS Selections

■ The bandwidth value is got when the wavelength is 435.8nm
■ The bandwidth is adjusted manually
■ All of the models in the tables contain gratings, when instead of -G with -N, then the gratings isn't contained, other gratings are optional.


Fiber Adapters
BFC series fiber adapter can be compatible with the range of  Zolix monochromators and spectrographs or sample chamber.
Adjustable(XY) fiber adapter, for 10mm, 13mm diameter fiber optic bundle, SMA905 Termination fiber
Collimated Light Adapter

■ PEC Photochemistry Measurement System
■ Transmission/Absorption /Reflection Measurement System
■ Solar Cell Quantum Efficiency Measurement System
■ The fluorescence Spectrum Measurement (as excitation light)
■ Surface Photovoltage Test
■ Detector Spectral Responsivity Measurement System
■ Optical Lens Spectral Transmittance Measurement System
■ Eye Protection Products Measurement System
Uniform Light Accessory - Integration Sphere
Various size integration spheres feature high reflectivity rate and high uniformity that make them meet different application requirement. The below model is standard integration sphere, the optional upgrade is the gold coat integration spheres which add -IR on the end of the standard model.

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