The 4th "Zolix Follow Your E-O Dreams" Seminar in Nanjing
2024/04/30From August 24 to 25, 2023, the fourth "Zolix Follow Your E-O Dreams" Seminar hosted by Zolix Instrument Co., Ltd. was successfully hold in The Hilton Hotel Nanjing. More than 100 experts and scholars from different University and Institutes attended the conference.
On August 24, we invited five honored guests to start the opening ceremony , they are Prof. Hongyuan Chen,the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences from Nanjing university, Prof. Zhenghui Liu from The Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics (SINANO) CAS., Prof. Shuang Chen from China AeroDynamics Research and Development Center, Prof.Fang Ding from Hefei Institutes of Physical Seience, CAS. And Mr. Jean Dong, the VP of Zolix Instruments.
We invited Zolix instruments customers report their recently academic achievements,listen to their questions, arguments andsuggestions,which will sure help Zolix update the independently developed scientific Instruments.
During the coffie break, Zolix demostrate the modular Omnifluo900 transient & steady-state fluorescence spectrometer, hyperspectral imaging system with Dorne, New optical components with cage structure, new nano-meter resolution long travel and etc.
Related products
KA series High-Precision Motorized Linear Stages
The KA series products are precision closed-loop linear stages designed for medium to large strokes. These stages utilize an external grating ruler outside, by using MC600 or TMC series controllers, this stage is able to achieve a closed-loop resolution of 1μm/0.5μm. The base features a high-rigidity U-type structure, ensuring suitability for operations under heavy load, high rigidity, and multi-dimensional combinations. An optional stainless-steel dustproof cover protects the inner parts from particles and dust, ensuring better stability, durability, and long-term accuracy. -
CXZ Series Motorized Vertical Stage
Latest motorized vertical stage, wedge stucture, compact size, high precision. -
PA series Precision Motorized Linear Stages
PA series products are designed as middle-size and middle-travel-range precise motorized stages. -
PSAV Series Long Travel Range Motorized Vertical-Motion Stages
PSAV series motorized vertical-motion stages employ ball screw reducers to ensure ultra-high loading capability. High load capacity, long stroke type. -
LA Series Precise Compact Motorized Linear Stages
The LA series is designed for industrial applications with high repeatability. -
KAxx-Z Series High-Precision Motorized Vertical-Motion Stages
KAxx-Z is a closed-loop control high-precision vertical stage, optical encoder resolution up to 0.5/1um. -
MS 系列以极小的封装提供无与伦比的性能。是要求精度但空间有限的应用的理想之选。这些微定位器以 X、XY 和 XYZ 配置提供。基于坚固型四角滑座预安装坚固的精密杆,从而可实现平滑的耐磨式运动。复位弹簧可实现固有预装载,能消除侧隙。其采用独特的托架设计,消除了摆动的影响,同时还实现了非常坚固的位移台。MS-125 系列在负载高达 0.55 磅 (2.4 N) 时提供 0.125 英寸 (3.2 mm) 的行程,在稍大的封装中,MS-500 系列在负载高达 0.75 磅 (3.3 N) 时提供 0.5 英寸 (12.7 mm) 的行程。两个位移台均配有精确的 80 TPI 调节螺丝,可在该尺寸的平移台应用中提供无与伦比的分辨率。 -
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Semiconductor Wafer Micro-Operation and Inspection Equipment
This platform is designed by Zolix for semiconductor wafer micro-operation and inspection, which consists of: semiconductor wafer holder unit, semiconductor wafer alignment unit, machine vision unit and micro-manipulator unit, and equipped with the main development of stable motion control system and machine vision software.
Associated application
【Technology Communications】The Applications of EMMS in Water Quality Analysis
三维荧光光谱(EEM)是将荧光强度以等高线方式投影在以激发光波长和发射光波长为纵横坐标的平面上获得的谱图,图像直观,所含信息丰富。 -
The Applications of Raman Spectroscopy in Dust Detection
工作场所空气中含有大于10%游离二氧化硅的粉尘俗称矽尘,长期接触矽尘会导致矽肺,这是我国最为严重的职业病,职业性吸入结晶二氧化硅对人类具有致癌作用[1-4]。目前我国工作场所空气中粉尘游离二氧化硅含量测定方法有三种[1]:焦磷酸法(重量法)、红外分光光度法、X射线衍射法。焦磷酸质量法是现行使用的首选方法,因使用设备简单,易于操作而普遍采用,但该方法存在操作步骤繁琐、耗时长和误差不易控制等问题。红外分光光度法通过测量其吸光度进行测量,只能应用于结晶型二氧化硅的含量,而且因仪器昂贵、操作要求高等原因,在基层很少应用。 -
Full-dimension Solutions Based on Hyberspectral Imaging Spectrometer for Monitoring Water Ecological Status
水是地球上万物的命脉所在,水与生命息息相关。但是随着人类社会文明的不断发展,工业、农业、生活用水等各种污染层出不穷,对人类社会和动植物的成长都形成了不同程度的威胁。因此需要对及时对水体进行检测,查出潜在的水污染或污染源,及早的避免可能对人、生物及环境造成的损害。 -
Air-based Monitoring for Pollution Discharges from Ships on the Sea
尽管欧盟和美国的新法规要求航行在欧洲和美国沿海的船舶使用低硫航油,但由于执法难度大,违规风险小,在经济利益的驱动下,便宜的、高硫的燃料仍被许多轮船违法使用。然而,新技术的发展将改变这一现象。基于一对Andor紫外光谱仪构建的实时空中污染检测系统能够以每小时20艘的速度实时监控船舶污染。 -
Surface-Enhanced Raman Specscopy (SERS) Technologies for Rapid Analytics of Environmental Pollutions
随着社会与经济的发展,环境污染越来越成为困绕着人类健康和制约社会继续发展的严峻问题,多环芳烃类污染物,在环境中具有长期稳定性、可迁徙性以及生物富集性,能干扰生物内分泌系统,损坏生物的神经系统,潜在的致癌作用[1-3]。表面增强拉曼光谱(Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, SERS)作为一种强有力的原位分析技术,不仅可以像拉曼光谱一样能够提供分子结构的特征光谱,而且还可以极大地增强被测分子的拉曼信号,通常可以增强6个数量级以上,有时甚至可以达到14个数量级,从而达到单分子检测。文献研究表明表面增强拉曼光谱完全可以实现对特定环境污染物的高灵敏度定性和定量检测。过去受限于拉曼光谱仪的发展,表面增强拉曼光谱基本上只能作为一种实验室技术。随着激光器技术、光纤技术以及CCD检测技术的发展,拉曼光谱仪可以集成为一个小型、快速、简便的检测设备,进而使拉曼光谱仪应用于多环芳烃快速分析领域成为可能[4-11]。 -
Application of Raman in dust detection
Raman spectrum is the fingerprint spectrum of molecular vibration. Different material molecules have different vibration frequency, so it is often used as an important basis for material identification. It has the advantages of simple operation, high sensitivity and good repeatability. In this paper, through the Raman spectrometer quantitative analysis of silica dust samples, through the experiment to prove the feasibility of its application in the field of analysis of dust.